Commercial Property Insurance

Is your Commercial Property insurance coverage adequate?

Your livelihood is dependent on the survival of your business, so it is imperative that you protect it against any potential threat – big or small. The most common types of Commercial Property coverage include: buildings or other structures (leased or owned), furniture, equipment, supplies, inventory, computers, mobile equipment, construction equipment, cargo, signs, etc. However, did you know you may be able to secure coverage for loss of business incomes, trademarks, payroll in the case of closure, or extra expenses after a loss?

Basic property insurance covers losses due to perils such as fire or lighting, but coverage is available for much more. Should you want to purchase more than basic coverage, you can buy a standard policy that provides coverage for extended perils, such as floods, windstorms, hail, acts of terrorism, riots, vandalism, etc.

One of the most important aspects of purchasing property insurance is making sure you have purchased enough coverage to be adequately protected. It’s important to have conversations with your Agent about your coverage amounts and what is adequate for you. Merrill Insurance understands that determining your property and business’s value is important to you, so we’re here to help.

Call us today at (352) 589-5200 or head over to our quotes page to get started!


*Misstatements or omissions of relevant information can lead to price variation or even declination or recission of coverage.

**Requesting coverage does not guarantee coverage can be provided. Coverage can begin only with specific statement by a licensed member of Merrill Insurance.

***None of the information provided on our website is a guarantee that insurance will be provided or that we are obligated to procure insurance.

****Information requests to provide a quote or work on coverage will not be shared with carriers or with any other entity without the applicant’s permission.

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Merrill Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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